- Title and Description.
1.1 The title shall be the “Vauxhall Bedford Opel Association” hereafter referred to as the VBOA or the Association.
1.2 The Association is a worldwide group of Clubs for Vauxhall, Opel, Bedford and Holden enthusiasts, headed by an Association Committee and representatives from the affiliated Clubs, hereafter referred to as the Clubs.
Clubs may use the VBOA title in Club magazines, literature and advertising banners to indicate membership but not to endorse any action, company or product.
2. Association Contact Address.
2.1 The contact for all matters is by e-mail to info@vboa.org.uk
2.2 Clubs may not use the Association address for directing their own mail.
3. Objectives of the Association.
3.1 To further interest in the preservation, history & active use of Vauxhall, Opel, Holden and Bedford vehicles.
3.2 To maintain close contact between, and support for, UK and overseas Clubs.
3.3 To act as a forum for Clubs to discuss suggestions, problems etc.
3.4 To maintain a liaison with Vauxhall Motors Ltd (VM) and suitable suppliers on all matters of mutual interest.
3.5 To provide Clubs with such benefits and privileges as it is possible to arrange.
3.6 To assist Clubs concerning the re-manufacture and acquisition of spares.
3.7 To maintain sufficient funds to cover the general administration of the Association and to organise selected shows.
3.8 To promote at least one major show each year should the law permit.
3.9 To assist in co-ordinating the entry of Clubs to large UK and International shows and rallies.
3.10 To encourage and assist Clubs in their dealings with worthwhile organisations e.g., Motor Sports Association (MSA), Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) etc.
3.11 To assist in passing legal advice and information to Clubs.
4. Management.
4.1 The authority and responsibility for the business of the Association shall be vested in the committee officers
4.2 No Committee member shall use a personal email address for VBOA business
4.3 The association committee shall consist of:
Vice Chairperson
Membership Secretary
Event Secretary
Health and safety Officer
4.4 A quorum of 5 committee members must be present for any committee meeting to take place
5. Elections of Committee.
5.1 Committee officers may be elected only at an AGM (Annual General Meeting) or SGM (Special General Meeting).
5.2 The period of office is two years after which Committee Members must stand down, however they are eligible for re-election.
5.3 On alternate years when the Officers stand down, the current Chairperson will run the meeting until elections commence when a temporary Chairperson will be elected, and all the Officers are stood down. The temporary Chairperson will then handle the election of Officers at which point the newly elected Chairperson will take control of the meeting.
5.4 Written Proposals and seconds for Committee member positions must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 28 days before the AGM date.
5.5 All Committee member nominations must be proposed and seconded and must have the nominees agreement.
6. Annual General Meeting.
6.1 In order to economise on members’ travelling time and costs, our carbon footprint or in extraordinary circumstances, the AGM may be held via video conferencing
6.2 The AGM will be held each year on the first Sunday in October annually
6.3 The Chairperson, Treasurer, and Membership Secretary will present reports covering the past year’s activities.
6.4 Quorum requirements are three Committee members and seven Club representatives.
7. Association Meetings.
7.1 Association Meetings Shall be held at such dates and venues as agreed by vote at previous meeting.
7.2 Association meetings may be held via video conferencing
7.3 Arrangements will be made at each meeting for the subsequent meeting.
7.4 The Secretary will confirm arrangements to all Clubs approx. two weeks before each meeting with an agenda.
7.5 The agenda will make provision for “Any Other Business” but serious or contentious matters should be notified in advance to the Secretary to ensure inclusion at the relevant priority within the agenda.
7.6 UK based Clubs are required to be represented at each association meeting. If the nominated VBOA Representative is not available, then every endeavour should be made to have the club represented. If this is not possible then apologies must be sent to the Secretary prior to the meeting. If a Club is not represented for three consecutive meetings, then the Chairperson shall email the Club warning them that expulsion from the VBOA could occur if they are not represented at the next meeting. Any Club that does not respond positively to a warning will be referred to the association for consideration for expulsion from the VBOA.
7.7 Quorum requirements are three committee officers and seven Club representatives.
8. Special General Meeting.
8.1 An SGM may only discuss the subject for which the meeting was called.
8.2 An SGM can be called by Committee officers without petition.
8.3 An SGM can be called by a consortium of seven Clubs.
8.4 There will be a minimum of 21 days between a request for an SGM and the meeting date.
8.5 An SGM may be held via video conferencing
8.6 Quorum requirements are three officers and seven Club representatives.
9. Voting.
9.1 One vote per Club from those present only.
9.2 Committee officers may vote only if they are the sole representative of their Club present.
9.3 Chairperson (or temporary Chairperson) to have a casting vote in the event of a tie, if necessary, in addition to his/her Club vote.
9.4 Voting at all meetings to be carried out by a show of hands, a simple majority shall carry the vote either way
10. AGM & SGM.
10.1 Postal votes submitted and signed by the Club’s VBOA representative are acceptable if in the hands of the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
10.2 Email votes are acceptable if a club cannot attend for any acceptable reason.
11. Records.
11.1 Minutes will be taken at all meetings and distributed within three weeks to all Clubs by e-mail where possible, otherwise by post.
11.2 A recording of meetings may be made by the secretary.
11.3 Copies of minutes will be sent to all Club representatives attending meetings and one copy to all Clubs not represented at the meeting.
11.4 Agreed minutes to be signed by Chairman and available for inspection by a member at any reasonable time.
11.5 Clubs must impart relevant VBOA information promptly to their members.
11.6 General correspondence to be held on record by the Secretary.
12. Finance.
12.1 The VBOA is a non-profit making organisation except for maintaining a level of funds sufficient to cover Association activities.
12.2 No-one may profit from VBOA activities without full Committee approval.
12.3 Treasurer must be able to provide bank balance at all meetings.
12.4 Treasurer to keep records of income and expenditure and to present accounts at the AGM.
12.5 All cheques to be signed by a minimum of two of the three authorised signatory Officers.
12.6 Treasurer to advise the association on maintaining solvency. 12.7 an annual inspection of the accounts must be carried out 12.8 Any affiliated club member may request access to the accounts
13. Affiliation of new Clubs.
13.1 Clubs making an application to join must have been in existence for 24 months.
13.2 All new Clubs must consist of a Committee of at least 4 officers.
13.3 New clubs must have a members list to include name, address, and contact number of all members.
13.4 New clubs must have liability insurance in place for VBOA organised events
13.5 New clubs must have attended a minimum of 6 (six) shows as a club in the previous 24 months( subject to restrictions)
13.6 New clubs to be of sound financial standing
13.7 New clubs must have their own constitution in place, a template shall be made available.
13.8 Membership Secretary to work with prospective new clubs to attain membership
13.9 A copy of the VBOA Constitution and the Guidelines for applying will be made available to prospective new member Clubs.
13.10 New Clubs will be invited to a VBOA meeting to make a presentation about their Club to include the next 12 months programme of events once they are ready. Overseas applicants can make a written or video presentation.
13.11 The VBOA will then vote on a 12 month probationary period as Associate members with attendance at shows and meetings (where they have no voting rights).
13.12 The joining Fee shall be due on acceptance.
13.13 After a satisfactory 12 months, VBOA vote on Full membership.
13.14 No inter-Club politics to interfere with above.
14. Subscriptions.
14.1 There shall be a joining fee of £50 for new clubs .
14.2 Annual subscriptions for all clubs shall be as follows:
£1.00 per club member
14.3 No fee for overseas clubs
14.4 No refunds on clubs either leaving or being dismissed shall take place
15. Constitution.
15.1 Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at an AGM or SGM.
15.2 Proposals with supporting reasons in writing must be in the hands of the secretary a minimum of 28 days before the AGM or SGM date. 15.3 The Constitution will be distributed to all Officers and Club Representatives whenever amended
16. Motor Sport.
16.1 Clubs intending to organise any sporting or road event must obtain the approval of the correct bodies.
17. Liability.
17.7 All clubs attending any show as a representative of the VBOA must have liability insurance in place.
17.2 VBOA organised events will have public liability insurance cover.
18. Resignation of member Clubs.
18.1 Any Club intending to resign from the Association should inform the Secretary in writing or in person at any Association meeting.
19. Observance and Interpretation of Constitution and Rules.
19.1 Every Committee Officer and Club representative binds himself or herself to abide by the Association Constitution and Rules at meetings and events and to accept as final and binding the decision of the Association in cases of dispute or disagreement as to interpretation.
20. Conduct of members/Expulsion.
20.1 If any Club is deemed by the committee officers and club representatives to have brought the VBOA or VM into disrepute, a formal written warning will be issued with a time and place to respond to the allegations when a Committee vote will be taken on the matter.
20.2 If the defence is inadequate or not forthcoming the Association reserves the right to terminate that Club’s membership of the VBOA.
21. Dissolution.
21.1 The Association shall only be dissolved upon the votes of a simple majority of members at an SGM convened to consider such a proposal.
21.2 Upon dissolution the funds shall be passed to whoever the member clubs decide.
If you wish to make an enquiry regards application, please see here
Amended 18th April 2004
Amended 14th May 2006
Amended 3rd February 2008
Amended 12th February 2023